Thursday, February 14, 2008

We are TWO!

Echoing Colin's blog exactly one year ago. We are TWO. Two years ago today, God allowed me to finally meet eyes with the man who would ultimately change my life. I thank God everyday for Colin and that He trusts me enough with his heart and his hand to hold. I can't wait to continue move forward in our relationship with not only one another but our relationship with God, our first love.

I love you Colin. Happy Anniversary.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

365 Days

That's right people, today is Laura and Myself's 1 year anniversary. It's pretty awesome. I have been so blessed. I love you Laura, and thank you for loving me...

Friday, September 08, 2006


No, not the ever-so-popular mini-series on TV. It just happens to be the age that became mine on September 6, 2006. Ah, the ripe ole' age of 24. I can hardly believe it myself. It's so strange, all of my friends when we were growing up, were all older than me. We were all in the same grade, lived minutes from eachother, yet they were all a year older. Recently, when they turned 24 it didn't seem like a huge deal at all. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY - I LOVE YOU _________(insert name)!" and you go about your day. Now that we all have our own lives, live in our own towns, and drive to our own jobs everyday, life just seemed to stop at 18. That day we all graduated high school. Remember those days when every single year you couldn't wait till your birthday? When how old you were always had "and a half" behind it. You just had to make sure that everyone knew you were closer to 15 than you were to your current 14! I certainly do. Now, it's completely different. Turning 24, has really made me look back and not so much focus on the the past or think about the 23 years on this earth, blah blah blah, but rather. I think of those who really went out to really think of me on this day, this year. First, if you know me at all, you won't judge me by my closet! I'm not materialistic at all, in fact, if someone said "Would you give it all up tomorrow?" "Of course" would be my answer. These things just don't seem to matter at all anymore to me. So I guess 24 has made me pay attention to the details...Let me explain.

First let's talk my best friend, going on almost 17 years now. From the first grade this girl has been apart of my life in a BIG way. She left a message on myspace just saying simply saying "Happy Birthday", but then there was the part about "but I won't be that girl who just messages you, I'm calling you!" She didn't have to call, the message would have been sufficient enough. But she did, just as she said she would and we laughed like we always do. She thought of me and knew how much that call would mean to me. I love you Loren.

My sister called me on her way home from work and sang me a lil' happy birthday tune. I love when she reverts back into the silly big sister that I grew up with. I adore you Steph.

My mom paid a much needed cell phone bill and got me a new phone that no longer needs a rubber band to keep it working. That is something special right there!! It's not a Razor or a Q phone, is a Samsung, and it was $9.95. Now that's what I'm talking about! I don't need a camera phone, a video phone, or a small laptop phone. I just want to call you and for you to be able to call me. Thanks Mom. I love you.

My dad gave me some money to get what I wanted, not what I needed. His words exactly, "...and you can come work for me around the house to get what some money for what you need." Sweet deal. I loved it.

My friends texted messaged me, called, and myspaced - I can truly thank that "New Birthday's" reminder feature for most, but even then, those who had the time to take out of there busy lives to send me just the smallest of "HB" messages found a little spot in my heart. Thank you guys, it really did mean so much!

My new, and dearest friend Ashley, came over, when she was so busy, foudn the time to come and fix my hair for my big surprise date with Colin. Once again, If you know me, my hair has pretty much been the same my entire life, and I have finally met a girl who knows what she is doing and made me feel like a million bucks with some simple bobby pins. Love you Ashley.

At church that night, my beloved friend Britni brought me a bag of goodies that basically made me want to start a Carnival in my living room! Silly Putty, PlayDough, Slinky and "Cheeckup" the squirell all came complete with a card that got soaked from tears. Oh how I love her.

My sister-in-law Jami took me out for a smoothie and some shopping at Wal-Mart with her little one, Selah. It doesn't matter what we do, we always have a great time. I cherish you James.

And then there were two...

Colin (as you know) is from California and thus is where his family abide. I love this family! His mother, father, and sister went out of their way to send me a birthday package, that arrived on the day, on the dot!! Inside a heavily bubbled and sealed package was an array of sketchbooks, and a set of charcoal pencils and sticks. And I'm not talking "Willow", I'm talking the GOOD STUFF! What a blessing, those gifts could not have come at a better time. Trying to find the motivation for taking time out to sketch and play is hard, but with these tools it makes it a lot easier. I can truly say when I saw what was inside and more so who it was from, tears surfaced once again. What a precious family. I love you Cindy, Paul and Amber and miss you so much.

And then that leaves the only man in my life that truly takes my breath away time and time again. Colin's gift was the gift of surprise and suspense. And that it was, one surprise after another, after another. On Wednesday, (the 6th) we both had church to attend to that evening, so we decided to push any plans till the following night. I was only told what to wear and what time to wear it. 7:30 PM sharp and we were off. The entire time I am thinking, "where are we going!?!" We arrived at the "Bedford Social Club" home of our first date, our friend Ryan as our server, and quite possibly the best food in VIRGINIA!! We were escorted to a private table (above all the other tables) candles surrounding us, and a bottle of white wine chilling by our side. Picture perfect. After dinner and "staring into each other’s eyes" as our friend Ryan says, we were served a candle topped scoop of toffee/coffee ice cream, complete with a Steve/Ryan/Colin serenading "Happy Birthday" in perfect pitch. Back home, Circus Peanuts and Bubble Gum Balls (a gigantic jar of them!) completed the evening. I couldn't have dreamed a better ending to the perfect the night, alone with the man I love, holding hands, saying goodnight, and wishing time would just stop right here, right now. He had thought of every detail, not a single one was left out. He even made me believe we were going places he had NO intention of taking me. He is so wonderful in so many ways, and I can't thank him, or all those others that I love so dearly, enough for making this truly an outstanding celebration. It was exactly that, a "happy" 24th birthday.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Golden State Of Mind…

You all have probably been aware of my recent escape to the Golden State of California. Colin invited me home with him for his summer stay at his house in Auburn and of course I agreed. I was so excited. I had never been to California before and also this would be the first time I would meet his family. Little did I know that they and my entire experience would be so much more than I had I ever expected.

Our flight landed in San Francisco at about 11:00 PM. Only to learn that my second bag I had checked had been stolen right off the conveyer belt. How convenient. I had packed EVERYTHING for the beach and all my little stuff. Now the ladies will know exactly what I mean by the “little things.” I’m talking all my make-up, underwear, shampoo, my expensive new flat iron (if you know me this could be the one that took me over that emotional edge), jewelry, perfume, cell phone charger, lap top charger, bathing suits, flip flops, all the stuff that just doesn’t quite fold in with your jeans and tops. Stolen. The ID tags to my bag were found in the corner soon after we noticed it wasn’t coming with the rest of the bags. The airline said there was nothing they could do, and they would call if anything came up. Great. So of course I’m getting emotional. Colin, bless his heart, was so patient and so kind, but we all know those two attributes he does quite well. So, I picked my bag (note the singular there) and we made our way to the rental car counter. I tried my best to act as if it was just a bag and everything in it could be replaced. It just really really sucks to lose so much of your stuff at one time, when you are so far from home. Welcome to California! However I was determined to not let this spoil my time here. I wanted to snap out of my angry and shocked state and just make the best of what I did have. I have the only things that matters in my hand already, and that is his.

We arrived at Colin’s house a few hours later, he gave me a quick tour, and we just crashed. The next morning we were early to rise and eager to get to the beach. Pismo Beach to be exact! First stop: Old Navy to replace my bathing suits, Jamba Juice: a very important second for breakfast, and then third: Me hanging out the window taking pictures of the dry grassy covered mountains, countless orchards, vineyard after vineyard, and road signs that say “Highway 101 and San Francisco” ah yes the photos of a complete tourist!

Six hours later we were in sunny, cool, and beautiful Pismo Beach. It was here that I FINALLY met his mom Cindy, his dad Paul, and his sister Amber. It was about 10 PM, but they were up and about and anxious to hear my accent. (Ok if you are still reading this – say this city out loud: “Norfolk.”) If you just said a curse word, you are from where I am from. Hehe. The week was filled with sun and sand and really good food. Not to mention walking 6 miles to rent ATVs to race on the dunes only to be passed by the trailer carrying them in the opposite direction. We were too late, they had closed. Although Colin did save a baby seal that had beached itself along the way. The next morning I got to watch Amber do some serious skim boarding and Colin try to on a board not quite made for his size. Amber is quite talented; you should see this girl on a skateboard! Unreal. We cooked out, built campfires, told ghost stories which lead to all of us walking to the showers TOGETHER, buried our flops in the sand to take long walks on the beach, found sand dollars, explored sea caves, visited the immense Hearst's Castle, roasted marshmallows, and even had Internet access if you sat in just the right place. By the end of the week Colin had crafted a potato cannon, which by the way has some serious distance I might add, and I got to see my first sunset on the beach. Amazing. We left Pismo Beach on Friday June 30th and by the great miracle of telecommunications I got to welcome Selah Grace 10lbs and 8oz into the world. My mom called to keep me updated every step along the way. I also got to talk to Britni and we both just cried and cried and she told me how beautiful Selah was and how great Jami did. I have never experienced anything like the feeling I had at that moment, ever before. It was truly a time I will never forget. I wish I could have been there more than anything. But Jami did it, she really did it! She brought a healthy, happy, gorgeous little girl into our lives and in our hearts forever.

We took Highway 1 all the way Santa Cruz. On the way we stopped in Morro Bay, Monterey Bay, and Big Sur, home of the infamous Redwood Trees. It was truly unique. I didn’t even know mountains could get that big and that an ocean could be so blue, and coexist together at the same time. Breathtaking. We even saw Elephant seals, and they were talking, fighting, and getting warm on the hot sand. That evening when we got back to his house, I met James. James is Colin’s best friend from home and after meeting him I knew exactly why. Colin had told me a lot about James and I really did enjoy hanging out with them. The best was just observing the two of them. Back and forth, back and forth they would laugh, share stories, and reminisce about memories they had shared together.

Happy 4th of July!! That day at Colin’s church we were invited to a pool party. There would be volleyball, basketball, and food. I don’t even know how many games we played, but we had a lot of fun. Colin was the star of the show although his dad gave him a run for his money on the court! That evening, for the fireworks festivities Colin, James, his parents, and I went high a top one of the many Auburn hills and watched the fireworks being set off from the fairgrounds over the courthouse. They were quite good. We woke up the next day and decided to go see the newest attraction in Auburn – “The Street of Dreams.” These were unbelievable homes you could tour and really see how the rich and famous live. Anything you could imagine adorned these homes. Elevators, double fridges, double dishwashers all stainless steal. Countless bedrooms, wine cellars, workout rooms, theaters, infinity pools and tubs, a closet the size of my room with washers and dryers in them. Anything you wanted, needed or had no use for was here.

The next couple of days were spent hanging out with his family, celebrating Colin’s 22nd birthday, and catching some really great movies at the local cinema. “Pirates of the Caribbean” is amazing by the way, and “Click” is a must see. Colin’s house has great opportunities for some serious style and design potential. Luckily I am trained in the interior realm of design and his mom decided let’s give these walls a face-lift!! Why not?! I am there and I can do it. After all, they had been so generous with meals, letting me stay there for FREE, and just taking really good care of me while I was been there. So we painted the room a yellow ochre color and then did a burnt sienna brown glaze over top for a bold Tuscan feel that really warmed the entire room substantially. I’m just praising the Lord that it went so well and I didn’t have any major hang ups! Except one. Before I could do what I just listed, I had to get the necessary products. The closest vendor for the glazes I needed was in Redwood City. So what do we do? Well whatdaya know Redwood City is right below San Francisco. So we thought we would make a day trip of it. Perfect. So after painting the walls with the base color, we spent the next day in San Francisco. Now none of this was new to Colin, but I was awe struck. I got to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. Something I have truly wanted and been looking forward to doing for a long time. We went down to the Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39. We walked around the docks, did a little shopping, walked by countless bistros and restaurants and had a really good time. We stopped and got some clam chowder (Colin said it was tradition) and it was scrumptious. After we finished we gave the pigeons our leftovers and walked the ocean’s edge to sit down for a little while. At the end of day we squeezed in a trip down Lombard Street (the steepest and most windy street in the world), visited the Coit Tower (the fireman’s memorial tower), and wrapped up the day at the Palace of Fine Art, walking around, taking pictures and just simply enjoying each other’s company.

The rest of the week Colin and I worked on his family room. Well I painted and Colin held the ladder. I don’t know why but when I’m twenty feet in the air I get a little woozy. Anyway the room turned out great and his family loved it so that was a plus!! I was just glad that I was there for enough time to accomplish that for them. It was my pleasure.

Colin got two tickets from his parents to Paramount’s Great America. A theme park much like our Kings Dominion. We had a blast!! We went on every rollercoaster they had to offer and they had some pretty state of the art ones as well. After a supa large Cherry Coke, we decided to call it a day. It was so much fun! My favorite part was just walking around with him, hand in hand and just being us. On the way home we stopped into Santana Row, in San Jose. Did I mention this was the most expensive place to live in California? It was like a little Manhattan tucked away in a beautifully landscaped quaint part of Cali. We ate an absolutely amazing dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and then found ourselves craving a good movie. I loved this place.

His family lives about an hour from Lake Tahoe, we would go and have lunch and spend the day with his cousin and our cameras. The water was beautiful. If I had the money this would be where I bought a summer home. The mountains of Nevada still were snowcapped and the sailboats lazily floated by as we enjoyed a dock side dish. Superb. I got some great pictures of the mountains; Emerald bay and its endless waterfalls and a cute little chipmunk that wanted me to give him a snack. So fun. The next day the temperature was a grueling 110 degrees. Colin said we should go swimming in the American River. Not until I put my feet in the water did I know that it was nothing but SNOW MELT! Talk about freezing!! This was like diving off glaciers and wading around in ice cubes. “You’ll get used to it!” he yells after he plummets off a 30-foot rock into the icy river of death!! Comes up out of the water, shakes it from his hair, and just gives me that smile. He, like the river, makes me melt!! So I tried it, but me, I just inch myself in. However, he was right, I did get used to it, we were swimming together in no time. We even had the river cooling our can drinks as we played. After a couple of hours we took our numb bodies home and decided to go out for dinner. We went to so many amazing restaurants while I was home with him I’m not even sure if I remember which was which! After dinner we met Colin’s friends Mitch and Sam for some bowling. Those three are histerical when they get together. I believe I won, well ok, I lost horribly but it was a good time.

The next morning we were up at 5 and sleepily got in the car for L.A. I couldn’t wait to meet his grandparents. You know how some people have the picture perfect grandparents? Well Colin is on that list for sure. His grandma is adorable and his grandpa is so sweet. Hugs all around as soon as we got there. “Colin you have grown even more!” his grandma said as he hits his head on the ceiling fan. They were so welcoming and ready to share the greatest burrito place on earth with me as we sat down for lunch. Good stuff! We were only there for a few hours sadly, picked up our tickets to Disneyland and then drove by his old house, old neighborhood, and I was getting stories from Cindy, Colin and Amber all along the way. Fantastic. We were on the road to San Diego to meet up with Colin’s dad. We were going to stay in a hotel that night and leave for Disney in the morning. Colin has been to Disneyland so many times, but for me it was my first. I was “stoked”. The day was magic. Colin has shared the experience with a lot of people, I’m just glad we shared it together as well. I had my own tour guide and my own map; he knew every hot spot and must-do event. Fabulous. After yet another outstanding California experience that lasted for 15 hours, we were beat. We crawled back to the hotel and just crashed. Only to wake up at 7:30 to shower, shave, and get in the car for yet another road trip, this time destination: LAX! It was my last day. My last day to see that sky that I have completely become obsessed with. My last day to spend with his wonderful family. My last day to live unlike I have I ever lived. I was certainly going to miss it. But the experience was so breathtaking. At the airport we checked our bags, hugged and kissed his mom and sister, grabbed some chili cheese fries from the sports bar and waited for our boarding call. Colin said to me a long time ago that ever time he is in LAX he sees a celebrity. I was like there is no way I’m going to see. . .WAIT A MINUTE. . . THERE IS THAT BIG DUDE FROM THE GREEN MILE AND THE ISLAND!!! Michael Clarke Duncan. Unreal!! So yeah, brushing my shoulder off I got to see one as well. It wasn’t Tom Cruise or Johnny Depp but it was at least one. Wow. So we polished off the cheese fries with a side of supa cholesterol and got on our flight. Because Colin and I were flying with a buddy pass that his aunt had so generously given us, we kind of just had to take our chances with seating arrangements. We had lucked out the last 4 times with seats we actually got seats beside each other. This time it was the case. Now ya see, this makes me a little nervous. In other words, I don’t do well with the whole “taking off” part. But as I always do, I said a prayer, closed my eyes and reached for my ipod. I was instantly comforted and knew that God sat me there for a reason. We landed safely in Atlanta, then safely again in Raleigh/Durham where we were greeted excitedly by my mom, her friend Joanne and of course Maxine. I don’t know which tail was wagging more my mom’s or Maxine’s?!? The ride home was long, Colin feel asleep on my shoulder, but the silence made me think. What a trip I had just been on. I was speechless. I had just been to a place so wonderful with the man I loved and the family I had grown to cherish. There will be nothing that can top this experience. Nothing. Thank you Cindy, Paul and Amber you guys were so wonderful.

I love you Colin with all my heart, thank you for the invitation or I wouldn’t even have had these experiences to share with everyone. You are truly the best thing in my life.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Love Is...

Recently I decided that it was time to quit my job. What a big move! I knew that I wasn't happy where I was so, I decided it was time to grab a couple of boxes and get the heck outta there. Leaving a job that was tough, searching for a new one has been even harder!! However, since I don't have a job and it's summer time I felt the need to some how make some money, yet enjoy the slim time off that I have. I love to go to Barnes and Noble, find a random step stoll, drag it over to the shelf of my chosing and sit and just read the book bindings till I find one that either sounds really cool, or the cover just pulls me in. I was doing just that the other day when I found this book ~"Love Is.." by Kim Casali. I was so intrigued. So I picked up the small hardback book and opened it up. I instantly feel in love with it. It's simply quaint collection of little sayings and drawings. For example: "Love is not picking the most expensive item on the menu" and paired with that is a cartoon drawing of a couple sitting at a dinner table. I love it. So I thought I would share with you some of my favorites! Hopefully you will enjoy as much as I do.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingv

Love Is... in and day out
...smiling at eachother often
...sending her a smooch from your cell phone
...what makes every day worth living
...waiting for him
...making the most of a traffic jam
...having someone to bless you thanks for every day you've known eachother
...not minding if you catch his cold
...when time drags on when you are by yourself
...playing his/her favorite tunes in the car
...not making demands
...a phone call to chase away your blues
...holding hands
...when your heart skips a beat
...knowing that chivlary is not dead
...putting your heads together
...when he is the first and last thought of the day
...a hug for no reason at all
...the little things
...having someone to shop for
...going shopping with her
...some of the little things he does
...and unexpected gift
...offering her the last cookie him your last dollar
...remembering to give as well as recieve
...not expecting three course meals on every date
...thinking what he would like for his birthday
...being a good listener
...sometimes a tug of war
...finding a love note
...inviting him over for dinner
...two people sharing one heart
...wanting to give her the moon and the stars
...doing things he likes
...surprising her
...a call to say "hello'
...joining forces
...being together wherever you are
...the way to encourage him
...why i write you so often
...someone to take care of you
...not fun without him
...sharing your dreams
...sharing cool treats with warm hearts
...being together by a campfire
...shared pleasures
...the end to a perfect day
...sharing your ups and downs
...being out of sight but never out of mind
...when nothing stops you from coming to see him
...sometimes having heartache
...when he is the best medicine
...being willing to compromise
...finding the right words to say
...trying to see eye to eye
...putting up with his occasional stubble
...knowing when to leave him alone
...feeling good all over
...not without a few heartaches along the way
...a puzzle
...keeping your sense of humor
...when the good moments outweigh the bad
...caring about his problems
...calling to say "sorry"
...not putting his faults under a magnifying glass
...minimizing his mistakes
...not trampling all over his feelings
...missing him eachother emotional support
...backing eachother up
...willing him to call you
...sometimes getting into a pickle
...the way to ease the stress of everyday life
...a basketful of surprises
...knowing that a hug can bridge an impasse
...mending a bruised heart
...worth the bruises
...taking your chances
...understanding eachother's weaknesses
...knowing when to call a cease fire
...making up
...remembering his strong arms
...blowing away cobwebs
...a little bit of fantasy
...wearing something that turns his head
...when his intentions are strictly romantic
...telling her she was the prettiest girl at the party
...being oblivious to the outside world
...dreaming the same dream
...just the two of us
...a surprise kiss him encouragement
...creating a stir
...helped by a little candlelight
...knowing you're in safe hands
...dusting that crumb from his chin
...never wanting to lose him
...throwing away all those "other" numbers
...pinching yourself to make sure it's real
...seeing your future together
...feeling her heartbeat forever
...knowing that this is the real thing
...falling in love all over again
...when you can't think of anything else
...wishing time would stand still
...seeing his face everywhere
...reading each other's thoughts
...the pathway to happiness
...being hooked only on you
...what heaven must be like sailing into unchartered waters
...when the hours go like minutes
...hitting the jackpot
...a joyride
...the catch of a lifetime
...wondering if she's thinking what you're thinking discovering a hidden treasure
...plain for all to see
...finding new horizons together
...all this and more
...just being happy to be near him
...wondering how and why he picked you

...just the beginning.

So if you're reading this you're still with me. First thank you. Second I know that was a little overwhelming but also (to me) completely inspiring. So what I thought I would do is make a list of what Colin has actually done for me in the same manor. Maybe I could be published?!?! Who knows?!?! All I know is I am truly happy and I love him more than I have ever loved before. So here is my book:

"He Is Love And Love Is..." by: Laura Eagle

...playing that song I love
...knowing I'll never be alone
...sharing our pasts, without hesitation
...taking me to sno shack
...Java Chip Ice Cream
...candlelit dinners
...buying dishes from Pier One for our eat-in dinner
...having coffee together
...wearing my favorite jeans
...grazing my arm when he walks by
...paying me just the right amount of attention in a crowded room
...picking me up
...dropping me off
...reaching out to me over the sound board for a hug
...noticing my hair when its different
...getting a sno-cone maker for Me(well us)
...trying to find luxor for hours
...writing blogs about us when he has time
...the way he says my name
...helping me clean my room
...folding my clothes
...fixing my website
...taking me to very nice restaurants
...sketchbook dates
...high fives
...inviting me to play volleyball with the guys me space when I need it
...having my picture near his computer
...caring about what my interests are
...doing me favors
...introducing me to his friends and sharing them with me
...the little things
...making me laugh
...taking care of me when I'm sick
...leaving me comments and messages
...not being ashamed of me
...making me "To Do" lists
...playing Tetris with me
...letting me win
...playing the songs I love when I am around
...loving me dispite my faults
...his friends became my friends
...leaving early when I am ready to go
...driving with no radio on
...just talking
...singing little silly songs
...freestyle battles
...surprising phone calls
...singing voicemails voice me the last sour patch watermelon
...helping me with my best friends baby shower
...liking my art work
...dressing to match
...fixing me lunch/dinner/breakfast/snacks/orange juice
...a Jamie Cullum concert
...sometimes letting me drive
...laughing at starbucks
...updating my ipod
...holding me after a bad dream
...taking pictures of me and loving even the bad ones
...complimenting me on my outfits/hair/make-up
...sharing our dreams
...going with me places that I know he wouldn't go any other time
...caring about my problems
...I Love You Post-Its all over my room
...appreciating eachother
...accepting each other's difference
...always kisses goodnight and goodbye
...actually wanting to visit my mom
...playing tug-of-war with my dog
...helping my dad
...respecting eachother
...talking over dinner
...sharing an appetizer
...playing NO games
...picking up the heavy stuff
...holding my hand
...showing me his outfits in the dressing room
...downloading my favorite album
...having my picture as his background
...filling up my car
...helping me clean and wash my car
...trips to Kroger to pick out what "we" will make for dinner
...spicing up the Ramen so even that is a good meal
...doing a lot of what the other is interested in, even though we may not want to
...going to concerts together
...buying me flowers, sending them to my work, and he had'nt even met me yet!
...saying "I Love You" all the time, any time, and knowing he means it.

...Colin Eric Harman

The End.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Embracing Differences

So I got this idea the other day. I thought to myself, "Laura and I have a lot in common, but there are the things about us that are different that we both love and appreciate about one another. So we thought of some multiple things that we both love to share, and enjoy together, but also the things that we are able to spoil the other one with that ordinarily we would not purchase/perform to benefit our own senses.

In other words, this blog is a chance for you to not only take a step inside the lives of Laura and myself, but to learn a little bit more about our loves, and last but not least now you know what to buy us if you have some extra money laying around.

First we have the SODA.
Ah yes, the delicious seemingly thirst quenching but realistically thirst inducing carbonated beverage known as soda. There are a plethora out there, but it seems that everyone has their given favorite, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Laura loves her some Diet Mountain Dew, and I love me some Cherry Pepsi/Coke. The only problem with soda, is that it makes you need more to drink. Now to most, they would say this is an issue, but I say it's just one more reason to be drinking soda.

Second we have CANDY.
Oh how we U.S. of A. people love us some good ol' fashioned junk food. Ah yes, the preservatives, the sugar substitutes, the sky-rocketing calories! Oh to be a dentist in this day and age. We all have our vice, that one candy that takes hostage our every last smidge of self control. It storms our dingy like existence from its pirate ship of obesity, plundering our every taste bud of any taste but its very own. Now I just need to stop, getting a little hungry. Nonethe less, Laura loves some Laffy Taffy, and I'll take a Twix any day of the week.

Thirdly, we have RESTAURANTS.
We are spoiled in the U.S, we have so much to choose from, but thankfully they're all very different, and from very different cultures. I love love love Italian food, and my favorite restaurant is definitely Romano's Macaroni Grill and Laura's is P.F. Chang's. I'll be honest, I love P.F. Chang's too, and since Laura's never been to a Macaroni Grill it's a bit unfair, but that's ok. She'll love it once she's tried it.

IV is a random one, but I love it. SMELL.
Smell you say? Smell? We all have a fragrance preference, we all have a favorite sense that we enjoy filling our sinuses with. My personal favorite smell of my own, would normally be Eternity by Calvin Klein, but I've since branched out and found that I love Ezra Fitch Cologne by Abercrombie & Fitch. By eexciting the senses with lavender, fresh bergamot, and sexy leather accords, Ezra Fitch deepens into a masculine musk and finishes with the strength of sandalwood. As for Laura, she loves her some Hot by Ralph Lauren. A swirl of cinnamon and a dash of other spices and deliciousness makes her scent a treat for the nostrils, trust me I would know.

#5 Is something we all have, a favorite MOVIE.

This explanation will be short and sweet, but all that to say we have seen quite a few movies
between us. Yet oddly enough our "favorite movie choices" are quite different, she loves The Nightmare Before Christmas and I love The Italian Job. Though these movies are definitely from opposite ends of the spectrum, we're both able to sit and watch each with one another, and enjoy them both. I love that fact that between the two of us, we're always able to share something great about any movie.

Sixth is our favorite ALBUM.

This one is always tough for people to answer, because now-a-days, there are so many different genres of music to listen and appreciate, that it's so hard to pick one favorite overall. Laura and myself sat and thought for some time about what we would choose for our favorite albums, and of course the usual meaningless banter of "what if we said the same one?!", but knowing our background differences and musical preferences, I knew that wouldn't be the case. Laura's favorite album ended up being, Journey - Greatest Hits. Whereas my all time favorite album that I could listen to all day without ceasing or growing weary would be Donavon Frakenreiter - (self-titled). As you can see, we're no where NEAR the same, but I know that we can both appreciate each other's choice in music.

Lucky #7 is our favorite BAND.

By now your probably saying one of two things: 1) why the heck am I still reading this, do I really care what the like or dislike? Or 2) what's the difference between favorite band and favorite album? Allow me to answer the latter for you since the answer to the first question is your decision. Favorite album is one CD that you could listen to over and over again, now that could have been something like Ultimate Dance Party 1998 or Jock Jams or NOW 5,000,543, any of which are way overrated, but none the less a compilation of multiple artists collaborated onto one album of goodness. The favorite band is a given artist or group who seemingly rocks your socks off. Laura's all time favorite band is no one else other than The Dave Matthews Band whereas my favorite 'band' is definitely The Beach Boys. Not only did the Beach Boys serenade me on my way to school everyday as they displayed their mastery of harmony and melody through the ten dollar speakers screwed into the doors of our 1974 Volkswagen super beetle, but they are the involuntary soundtrack to my homestate of California. As far as Laura's choice, let's be honest, Dave Matthews is legendary, there's no explanation needed.

Number Eight is our COMPUTERS.

So I'll keep this one short, but what it comes down to is that we're both complete computer nerds, and both mac/apple nerds at that. Once again, this is an area where we are very alike, yet different. Laura has a 15" powerbook G4, and I've got a 12" powerbook G4, though they're not that different, they still are. Mine comes with me everywhere, and Laura is rarely seen in any stationary position without hers on her lap. I use mine or just about everything, and I love every moment of it. There are times that we'll be sitting across the room from each other on iChat IMing back and forth. It's pathetic I know.

Second to last is our IPODS.

Now this is a small little story that I love to tell and have told in a previous blog, but here's a quick recap. When Laura and I had known each other for maybe a week (if even that) she had come over to the house where Matt Mackey and Chris Price were making fun of me since I had a 60GB iPod photo, and they were better than me since they had their 30GB iPod videos. Well Laura decided to surprise me by buying me a 60GB iPod video! Who is this girl!? Anywho, so we are the same in that we both have iPods however she has the 30GB black iPod video, and I now have the 60GB white iPod video. I love it. I love her.

Last but for this list, but not the last at all is our favorite COLORS.

My favorite color is definitely green or red. I know that makes no sense to have two favorite colors, but it's the truth, so deal with it. I love green as an accent color, I think it's fantastic. As for red, if I had to wear one color forever it would be red. I like it cuz it stands out. As for Laura, her favorite color is teal/turquoise. I know she likes it because of how bright and in your face it is, but also for the simple reason that it makes her happy and that's what is most important to me.

So as you can see, Laura and I are able to share lots of great things in common, but it's those small differences that keeps it exciting.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dear Diary,

Usually I have a clever skeleton to most of my blogs. I know I want to touch on this event, what happened here or there, but for some reason I felt the need to just talk "everyday". So for a little something different ~ I thought I would just write. About what I'm not exactly sure, but we will see as we go along.

In my life right now, I am going through some major transistions. I recently left a job that was truly somewhere I should have left long ago. The hardest part of the whole "leaving the job, finding another one" deal is the down time. I never knew that doing "nothing" would be quite so hard. In fact, I don't do "nothing" I am looking for jobs, have applied for many and just really want God to lead me where He wants me to be. Throughout this whole process, I learned to Him more than I ever have. But that kind of trust has not come easy to me by any means. I am someone who loves to work, and that is the truth. I miss having a job, I miss seeing my successes right in front of me, I miss accomplishments, rewards, and seeing my artwork being brought to life. And of course I miss the paycheck that follows all of those. After some pretty rough words were exchanged at the office, I walked out. I walked out knowing that what I did was the right thing and I would end up in a much better place where my spirit wasn't suffering daily as before. That was 2 weeks ago. The past two weeks have been particulary hard because I have never had to go through a job transistion on "bad terms". Not to mention, my boss was my friend, in the art department at church, and truly someone I respected whole heartedly until I was under his payroll. It's so hard to look back at our relationship before and not get saddened by what it is today. I decided enough was enough. Too many random emails from people at church of he said she said. I knew I needed to go and talk with him and just clear the air that was so clouded with untruth. So today I went. I went to pick up the last pay check and face my demon face to face. To my surprise he was actually worse than I thought he would be. He actually had a list of things he had to make sure he dug in one more time before I was rightfully paid. I walked out of that place feeling no better than the day before. I prayed that the animosity would be taken from my heart, but to my dismay it might have just worsened. No matter, I have to move on from here, the check is in the bank, and my life will soon get back on it's rightful path soon enough.

There are few people in my life who see right through me. Those people are of course my mom, my best friend Britni and my sweet, sweet Colin. (If you keep up with our site, you all know him very well by now I hope) All oh whom have been very supportive throughout this huge relocative process. My mom has probably gotten every job site and new paper on speed dial and lock down, Brit has held checks and spotted me some cash here and there till I can get on my feet. Colin, well he is a category all his own. Everyday he makes me feel like I am worth any job, and any dream can be reached. He is beyond wonderful. Sometime I really do wonder how I got so lucky. Growing up my sister met her match early. Luke and Steph met in the 8th grade and were married after 11 long years last July. I always looked at Stephanie and Luke, and would ask myself and God when was I ever going to experiece what they have, just a meer taste is all I ask. She was captivated by him and he her and it was beautiful. As every little sister does, I used to read her diary. In fact I was obsessed with her words. She would write the most beautiful love letters to him, and accounts of that day, the special things he did and said. I can remember being so jealous. After three amazing months with Colin, I could write diary after diary saying the same things, accounting the most special moments and revealing a love that is unlike any other. Unlike Stephanie and Luke or Megan and Judson. a love all our own.

So thinking of this as my diary, here is my lastest entry:

Dear Diary,

It was our three month on the 14th. That was two days ago. I guess it has taken me all of two days to really process what he truly means and what that night meant to me. I had first heard that he was planning something special on the friday prior. I knew that he told me not to make any plans and not to eat - he was brewing up something. Little did I know it was going to be one of the most special nights of my life. 8:45 I was told, so 8:45 it was. I walked up the sidewalk hesistantly, not knowing what might happen when I opened the door to his apartment. The instant I pushed the green 212 open, I was flooded with candle light and emotion. He has lit countless candles, set the perfect floor level dinner, pillows for chairs, salmon and vegetables seasoned to perfection, a bottle of one of his favorite white wines, and a top of all this, he was waiting with flowers and looked simply gorgeous. He took my breath away. I hugged him probably like he was going off to war in that moment. This was all for me?!?! What is the occasion?!?! Then I remembered today was the 14th, the anniversity of not only the first day that I met him, but marks the moment that I feel in love with him as well. I couldn't have planned a better evening myself. After dinner we finished the bottle of wine over engaging conversation and the rest is history. I still ask myself - Who am I to deserve him? There is no hiding how much in love I am with him. What a special day, what a special moment and what a blessing Colin truly is in my life. A life that may be a mess, a life that may have frayed edges, a life with no direction, but never lacking dreams, a life that is anything but ordinary, yet a life that may be in shambles, but he is always there in the end to put me back togerther again. God placed him in my life for a reason. Maybe he is good at puzzles, I don't know? But what I do know is, I might not have a job, but I am rich in love, and right now he is the only paycheck I need.